Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Never Gonna Steal My Joy!

There is a song that I just can't seem to get out of my head today. Oddly enough written by Matthew West (I believe) and performed by Mandisa. It's called Never Gonna Steal My Joy. And it is my mantra today! For months I have been praying for more time at home with my girls, more time to do things for church and a job that has meaning behind it. Today, God has granted me that wish. I should be on cloud 9 telling the world about what He has done....and yet here I sit...worrying. See the pay isn't quite what I hoped for. But it doesn't matter. It's enough. And I have an opportunity to be a part of an incredible organization that has the ability to change lives. So for today. I'm CHOOSING not to give the enemy power... (thanks Cindy) and to keep my Joy. Because God has blessed me. Abundantly. Thank You Holy Spirit for that song in my head! Here are some of the words for anyone interested:

I look at my life and I still can't believe it
How did I make it to where I stand now
You don't understand
I was up against the whole world
And all I could feel was it breaking me down
but out of a hopeless situation
There came a song of Redemption

Life may push my heart to the limit
But I won't let go of the joy in my soul
Cause Everything can change in a minute
and the world may try
but they're never gonna steal my joy.

So get up, stand up and rise above it
If every plan
That you make goes so wrong
You don't have to give into the struggle
You may be down but don't stay there for long
In every Hopeless situation
theres a song of redemption

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