Thursday, December 11, 2008

Living Proof

Wow. What a day yesterday!! Talk about an emotional rollercoaster. So I've been given an opportunity to work with the most amazing organization ever. Check it out.

For now, I'll just say it's a Faith Based organization.

I'm currently working for the VA. Permanent. Full Time. Government.

In these unstable economic times, need I say more.?

However, I've decided to take that leap of faith and leave the security of the Government. Because God's in charge of my finances, not mortal man. Right? So I get the call night before last that this organization would like to have me on board. And then she gave me salary information. I'm taking a HUGE salary cut to work for them. Lets just say my 'tone' was a little less than 'excited'. I knew I had to go home and tell my husband and I knew what his reaction was going to be. Let me preface with this; The benefits FAR outweigh the pay. And besides that, God has blessed Dodd with an amazing job that takes care of all our needs. So whats the big deal right? Well the enemy found a weak spot in me and ran with it. My fears went crazy. My husbands initial reaction was predictable and I let my emotions get the best of me. But I've taken that leap of faith and I KNOW what God can do when we trust, so I decided, despite my fears, I would move forward. I had butterflies in my stomach the entire time I was writing my letter of resignation. On top of that. I realized I needed to tell my Dad I was leaving the security of the VA. (He played a big part in getting me here and had hopes of me going far in the system) That was probably more emotionally draining than anything. But still I forged ahead. Eyes closed. Believing God would take care of it all.

So I ended my day with one of the worst head-aches I've had in a very long time. Haphazardly praying that God would show himself to me in a big way because....believe me...I needed Him.

So I'm laying in bed trying to get rid of this headache and my phone rings. It's my new boss. She called out of concern because my reaction wasn't what she thought it was going to be. She wanted to make sure I was still wanting to accept the position. We ended up having one of the best conversations (awesome chemistry for two people that have only met one time before) and she was so comforting, confirming and gentle. I can't even BEGIN to tell you how much that meant to me. She addressed all my fears (most of which I hadn't even mentioned to her) and at the end of the conversation asked if she could pray for me. The Holy Spirit was clearly using her mouth to speak to me. It was amazing. Everything that I had wanted to speak to God, (but couldn't because I was so lost in my fears and concerns) was flowing beautifully from her mouth. All I could do was sit there and cry. First because it hit me that this was my BOSS people. PRAYING FOR ME! When you work in a secular environment where speaking of your faith is was so refreshing to have my boss praying for me. Then, the shear magnitude of WHAT she was praying about.

I am Living Proof that God speaks audibly to us. Albeit thru other people. He speaks to us.

Once again. I'm amazed. And honored to serve such an amazing God. I am truly loved.

1 comment:

Profbaugh said...

Yup. It's true. God does speak audibly. I'm so glad you've stepped out in obedience and faith. I've learned it's not easy, especially when others have "expectations" for you. But I've also learned I don't want to miss a thing God has for me. So? It means doing what you're doing--moving forward in faith. Know that I'm praying for you and this new opportunity. God will honor your answer to His call!!

Much love,